性能及特点 / Performance and Features:
◎ 工作时液体只在软管内流动,与泵完全无接触,可实现无污染灌装;
◎ 灌装不同的料液,可更换软管,绝无交叉污染的可能,消毒清洗十分方便;
◎ 使用步进电机控制,计量精确,误差小于0.1%;
◎ 软管拆装十分容易,不需任何工具,操作简单易学,使用极为方便;
◎ 适用广泛,几乎所有易流动的液体都能灌装,特别适合卫生条件要求很高的营养液、生物制剂、药剂以及有毒、会污染、腐蚀性强的液体的灌装。
◎ 多头灌装可配上定位装置及输送机,即可做成全自动灌装机。
◎ Work only when the flow of liquid in the tube, and the pump is completely non-contact, non-polluting filling can be achieved;
◎ Filling different liquid materials can replace the hose, no possibility of cross-contamination, decontamination is very convenient;
◎ Stepper motor control, measurement precision, the error is less than 0.1%;
◎ Hose disassembly is very easy, without any tools, easy to learn, extremely easy to use;
◎ For broad, almost all flowable liquid can filling, especially for health conditions demanding nutrition, biological agents, and toxicagents, will pollute, corrosive liquid filling.
◎ Long filling can be coupled with positioning device and conveyors, automatic filling machine can be made.